ELETTROTEC started working in 1977 in the north of Italy, in Milan. The main task of the company was the release of sensors for monitoring liquid and gas. They are widely used in industrial and productive activity. The quality of the products was highly appreciated in the world market, and in 1993 the company received the ISO 9002 system certificate. Today, the company's products are used all over the world. More than two hundred countries incl. Ukraine successfully sell and use ELETTROTEC products.
ELETTROTEC products:
The catalog is represented by control devices, operating in various types of industrial production: automated (semi automated), hydraulic, pneumatic, liquid, in systems whose air pressure reaches 600 bar.
The produced pressure sensors are varied by:
1. setting the alarm or digital alert;
2. setting a complete lock, turn off or change the adjustment depending on the change of level indicators.
Own development and research form the basis for equipment manufacture and maintenance. Equipment production is thoroughly checked for consistency with the rules prescribed by ISO 9002 standards.
The high quality of the produced equipment is supported by certificates. All products presented in the company's assortment s are characterized by compatibility with equipment of all types, regardless of the tasks they perform.
The company's products are equipped with a special alarm in case of breakdown. Sudden malfunctions or damage of the equipment are almost impossible due to improved strength and established operating time.
High-quality work of technical equipment in industrial production is achieved through own innovative developments of the company. The product range is represented by equipment that measures and controls:
The company's catalog is represented by many types of equipment: pressure control sensors, vacuum switches, float level switches, flow indicators, switches, temperature switches, fluid level sensors, digital devices.
In the case of special customer requirements and specific orders, we offer our own engineering solutions and an updated range of “smart” devices (electronic sensors, regulators, thermal switches). Due to an accurate study of industrial production processes, the ever-increasing global market demand for the company's products is being met.
Products under ELETTROTEC brand are the benchmark of power and quality for the automatic, hydraulic, pneumatic industries, food and brewing production, packaging production, chemical and pharmaceutical production, agricultural and earth-moving machines, medical equipment, hospital equipment, systems related to environmental protection - water purification, fire, heat exchange equipment and HVAC & R.
Economic efficiency, meeting market requirements and universality of solutions are ensured by the volume investment in R & D.
ELETTROTEC products are certified and meet UNI EN ISO 9001: 2000 standards.
elettrotec.png | ||
Elettrotec.png | ||
Electrotec.png |
Pressure switch
pressure regulator
pressure switch
stainless steel level sensor
Pressure switch
Pressure Switch
Pressure switch
Pressure switch
Electric float switch
ErrorException {#34014 #message: "Attempt to read property "name" on null" #code: 0 #file: "/var/www/created_website784/storage/framework/views/35d0d369ed116d07dde71eb7c187c471cb6baf03.php" #line: 24 #severity: E_WARNING : { { include … ›<?php try{ ?>
›<?php if($product->product_stable->name != null): ?>
›<div style="padding-left: 0"
} { Illuminate\View\Engines\PhpEngine->evaluatePath($__path, $__data) … ›try {
›include $__path;
›} catch (Throwable $e) {
: { "/var/www/created_website784/storage/framework/views/4c147c8441eaf72f233aea97a37c239a52e40151.php" } } { Illuminate\View\Engines\CompilerEngine->get($path, array $data = []) … ›// which have been rendered for right exception messages to be generated.
›$results = $this->evaluatePath($this->compiler->getCompiledPath($path), $data);
› } { Facade\Ignition\Views\Engines\CompilerEngine->get($path, array $data = []) … › ›return parent::get($path, $data);
} { Illuminate\View\View->getContents() … ›{
›return $this->engine->get($this->path, $this->gatherData());
} { Illuminate\View\View->renderContents() … › ›$contents = $this->getContents();
› } { Illuminate\View\View->render(callable $callback = null) … ›try {
›$contents = $this->renderContents();
› } { include … ›<div class="col-lg-12 brand_products">
›<?php echo $__env->make('project.modules.brand_products',[$products, $website, $brand_products], \Illuminate\Support\Arr::except(get_defined_vars(), ['__data', '__path']))->render(); ?>
} { Illuminate\View\Engines\PhpEngine->evaluatePath($__path, $__data) … ›try {
›include $__path;
›} catch (Throwable $e) {
: { "/var/www/created_website784/storage/framework/views/4c147c8441eaf72f233aea97a37c239a52e40151.php" } } { Illuminate\View\Engines\CompilerEngine->get($path, array $data = []) … ›// which have been rendered for right exception messages to be generated.
›$results = $this->evaluatePath($this->compiler->getCompiledPath($path), $data);
› } { Facade\Ignition\Views\Engines\CompilerEngine->get($path, array $data = []) … › ›return parent::get($path, $data);
} { Illuminate\View\View->getContents() … ›{
›return $this->engine->get($this->path, $this->gatherData());
} { Illuminate\View\View->renderContents() … › ›$contents = $this->getContents();
› } { Illuminate\View\View->render(callable $callback = null) … ›try {
›$contents = $this->renderContents();
› } { Illuminate\Http\Response->setContent($content) … ›elseif ($content instanceof Renderable) {
›$content = $content->render();
} { Illuminate\Http\Response->__construct($content = '', $status = 200, array $headers = []) … › ›$this->setContent($content);
} { Illuminate\Routing\Router::toResponse($request, $response) … ›} elseif (! $response instanceof SymfonyResponse) {
›$response = new Response($response, 200, ['Content-Type' => 'text/html']);
} { Illuminate\Routing\Router->prepareResponse($request, $response) … ›{
›return static::toResponse($request, $response);
} { Illuminate\Routing\Router->Illuminate\Routing\{closure} … ›return $this->prepareResponse(
›$request, $route->run()
} { Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure} … ›try {
›return $destination($passable);
›} catch (Throwable $e) {
} { App\Http\Middleware\LocaleMiddleware->handle($request, Closure $next) … ›header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
›return $next($request); //пропускаем дальше - передаем в следующий посредник
} { Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure} … ›$carry = method_exists($pipe, $this->method)
›? $pipe->{$this->method}(...$parameters)
›: $pipe(...$parameters);
} { Illuminate\Routing\Middleware\SubstituteBindings->handle($request, Closure $next) … › ›return $next($request);
} { Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure} … ›$carry = method_exists($pipe, $this->method)
›? $pipe->{$this->method}(...$parameters)
›: $pipe(...$parameters);
} { Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken->handle($request, Closure $next) … ›) {
›return tap($next($request), function ($response) use ($request) {
›if ($this->shouldAddXsrfTokenCookie()) {
} { Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure} … ›$carry = method_exists($pipe, $this->method)
›? $pipe->{$this->method}(...$parameters)
›: $pipe(...$parameters);
} { Illuminate\View\Middleware\ShareErrorsFromSession->handle($request, Closure $next) … › ›return $next($request);
} { Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure} … ›$carry = method_exists($pipe, $this->method)
›? $pipe->{$this->method}(...$parameters)
›: $pipe(...$parameters);
} { Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession->handleStatefulRequest(Request $request, $session, Closure $next) … › ›$response = $next($request);
› } { Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession->handle($request, Closure $next) … ›} else {
›return $this->handleStatefulRequest($request, $session, $next);
} { Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure} … ›$carry = method_exists($pipe, $this->method)
›? $pipe->{$this->method}(...$parameters)
›: $pipe(...$parameters);
} { Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\AddQueuedCookiesToResponse->handle($request, Closure $next) … ›{
›$response = $next($request);
› } { Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure} … ›$carry = method_exists($pipe, $this->method)
›? $pipe->{$this->method}(...$parameters)
›: $pipe(...$parameters);
} { Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\EncryptCookies->handle($request, Closure $next) … ›{
›return $this->encrypt($next($this->decrypt($request)));
} { Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure} … ›$carry = method_exists($pipe, $this->method)
›? $pipe->{$this->method}(...$parameters)
›: $pipe(...$parameters);
} { Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->then(Closure $destination) … › ›return $pipeline($this->passable);
} { Illuminate\Routing\Router->runRouteWithinStack(Route $route, Request $request) … ›);
} { Illuminate\Routing\Router->runRoute(Request $request, Route $route) … ›return $this->prepareResponse($request,
›$this->runRouteWithinStack($route, $request)
} { Illuminate\Routing\Router->dispatchToRoute(Request $request) … ›{
›return $this->runRoute($request, $this->findRoute($request));
} { Illuminate\Routing\Router->dispatch(Request $request) … › ›return $this->dispatchToRoute($request);
} { Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel->Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure} … › ›return $this->router->dispatch($request);
} { Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure} … ›try {
›return $destination($passable);
›} catch (Throwable $e) {
} { Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest->handle($request, Closure $next) … › ›return $next($request);
} { Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure} … ›$carry = method_exists($pipe, $this->method)
›? $pipe->{$this->method}(...$parameters)
›: $pipe(...$parameters);
} { Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest->handle($request, Closure $next) … › ›return $next($request);
} { Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure} … ›$carry = method_exists($pipe, $this->method)
›? $pipe->{$this->method}(...$parameters)
›: $pipe(...$parameters);
} { Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize->handle($request, Closure $next) … › ›return $next($request);
} { Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure} … ›$carry = method_exists($pipe, $this->method)
›? $pipe->{$this->method}(...$parameters)
›: $pipe(...$parameters);
} { Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\CheckForMaintenanceMode->handle($request, Closure $next) … › ›return $next($request);
} { Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure} … ›$carry = method_exists($pipe, $this->method)
›? $pipe->{$this->method}(...$parameters)
›: $pipe(...$parameters);
} { Fideloper\Proxy\TrustProxies->handle(Request $request, Closure $next) … › ›return $next($request);
} { Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure} … ›$carry = method_exists($pipe, $this->method)
›? $pipe->{$this->method}(...$parameters)
›: $pipe(...$parameters);
} { Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->then(Closure $destination) … › ›return $pipeline($this->passable);
} { Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel->sendRequestThroughRouter($request) … ›->through($this->app->shouldSkipMiddleware() ? [] : $this->middleware)
} { Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel->handle($request) … › ›$response = $this->sendRequestThroughRouter($request);
›} catch (Throwable $e) {
} { ›$response = $kernel->handle(
›$request = Illuminate\Http\Request::capture()
} } }
App\Product {#34075 #connection: "mysql" #table: "products" #primaryKey: "id" #keyType: "int" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #attributes: array:23 [ "id" => 3848875 "name" => "IF3 E 6 / A M10" "main_product_id" => 3848939 "main_product_id_web" => null "brand_id" => 3717 "product_status_id" => "1" "real_product_id" => null "custom_code" => null "dual_use_id" => 3 "safe" => 3 "country_id" => null "clean_name" => "if3e6am10" "image" => null "product_note" => null "created_at" => "2020-04-22 06:03:38" "updated_at" => "2021-08-26 08:33:18" "isftp" => 0 "category_id" => null "hs_category_id" => null "local_name" => "IF3_E_6_A_M10" "DavProductId" => 0 "link_to_video" => null "oem" => 0 ] #original: array:23 [ "id" => 3848875 "name" => "IF3 E 6 / A M10" "main_product_id" => 3848939 "main_product_id_web" => null "brand_id" => 3717 "product_status_id" => "1" "real_product_id" => null "custom_code" => null "dual_use_id" => 3 "safe" => 3 "country_id" => null "clean_name" => "if3e6am10" "image" => null "product_note" => null "created_at" => "2020-04-22 06:03:38" "updated_at" => "2021-08-26 08:33:18" "isftp" => 0 "category_id" => null "hs_category_id" => null "local_name" => "IF3_E_6_A_M10" "DavProductId" => 0 "link_to_video" => null "oem" => 0 ] #changes: [] #casts: [] #classCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: array:3 [ "product_stable" => null "brand" => App\Brand {#34063 -descendants: [] #casts: array:1 [ "auto_offer" => "boolean" ] #connection: "mysql" #table: null #primaryKey: "id" #keyType: "int" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #attributes: array:29 [ "id" => 3717 "name" => "Elettrotec" "local_name" => null "language_id" => null "country_id" => null "main_brand_id" => null "sub_brand_web_visible" => 0 "category_id" => 65 "is_active" => 1 "description" => null "web_description" => """ Recording equipment provided by Elettrotec for performance , precision and reliability, meet the requirements in different industrial processes : Application areas industrial automation systems and turbines for wind power automation and instrumentation equipment construction and assembly machines hydraulic and pneumatic pharmaceutical industry chemical industry systems and lubrication systems power plants for hydraulic systems and lifting systems agricultural machinery and earth moving braking systems ( hydraulic and electrical ) machines for food processing Control systems for medical equipment and hospital and systems for packaging machines filtration\r\n \r\n \t00252/92-005/535\r\n Elettrotec\t00252/92-021/523\r\n Elettrotec\t00252/94-010/507A\r\n Elettrotec\t00252/94-050/509\r\n Elettrotec\t00252/94-051/504A\r\n Elettrotec\t31540\r\n Elettrotec\t100M X 33050G72037M68\r\n Elettrotec\t1F2V2E3/A\r\n Elettrotec\t2EL 2F03\r\n Elettrotec\t300M X 33050G72037M66\r\n Elettrotec\t31200T1.7\r\n Elettrotec\t31541 PMN20A14K\r\n Elettrotec\t31960\r\n Elettrotec\t3453821\r\n Elettrotec\t3454721\r\n Elettrotec\t36275AM10\r\n Elettrotec\t36300OM6SC\r\n Elettrotec\t36775A\r\n Elettrotec\tIFE3R18 p/n: 37075\r\n Elettrotec\tIFE4R24\r\n Elettrotec\t400M X 33050G72037M61\r\n Elettrotec\t\r\n Elettrotec\t43650 - PG09 PLUG\r\n Elettrotec\t500M X 33050G72037M25\r\n Elettrotec\t500M X 33050G72037M70\r\n Elettrotec\t800M X 33050G72037M69\r\n Elettrotec\t881078270\r\n Elettrotec\tCAP2\r\n Elettrotec\tCAP 1\r\n Elettrotec\tCAP1\r\n Elettrotec\tCAP16\r\n Elettrotec\tCAP3 CODE 31015\r\n Elettrotec\tCLS-K-11\r\n Elettrotec\tCO166407T04\r\n Elettrotec\tCO31560T025 Obsolete, replaced by PMN50ABT25\r\n Elettrotec\tCO32125A\r\n Elettrotec\tDBDS6K18/190E\r\n Elettrotec\tDRUCKSCHALTER PMC5 0,5-5BAR\r\n Elettrotec\tEBT30DC.\r\n Elettrotec\tEBT40DC.\r\n Elettrotec\tEBT70CC (341007022)\r\n Elettrotec\tEBT70CC P/N: 341007022\r\n Elettrotec\tEBT80CC (341008022)\r\n Elettrotec\tEBT80CC P/N: 341008022\r\n Elettrotec\tEEX CE 0575 II 2 GD\r\n Elettrotec\tES521AM2V\r\n Elettrotec\tFMC 41-NE21PBJ11M1\r\n Elettrotec\tGLASS (FOR IF4VE16/0 PART NO: 362750 FLOWMETER)\r\n Elettrotec\tIF.. 60W 60VA 0.8 A 220V 300V\r\n Elettrotec\tIF2E3/AM 24 V DC\r\n Elettrotec\tIF2VE3/A\r\n Elettrotec\tIF2VE3/O 36225O\r\n Elettrotec\tIF2VE3/O P/N: 36225O\r\n Elettrotec\tIF3E6/A\r\n Elettrotec\tIF3VE6/ AM7\r\n Elettrotec\tIF3VE6/AM7SC\r\n Elettrotec\tIF3VE6/AM8\r\n Elettrotec\tIF3VE6/AM9\r\n Elettrotec\tIF3VE6/AM9SC\r\n Elettrotec\tIF3VE6/AM9SC P/N: 36250AM9SC\r\n Elettrotec\tIF3VE6/O 36250O\r\n Elettrotec\tIF3VE6/OM7\r\n Elettrotec\tIF3VE6/OM7O MAX. LT/1” : 6 P MAX. BAR : 15 M: E0737D 24 WOLT\r\n Elettrotec\tIF4E16/AM10\r\n Elettrotec\tIF4E16/O\r\n Elettrotec\tIF4VE16/O\r\n Elettrotec\tIF4VE16/A\r\n Elettrotec\tIF4VE16/AM10 / 36275AM10\r\n Elettrotec\tIF4VE16A\r\n Elettrotec\tIF5E60/AM7 P/N: 36800AM7\r\n Elettrotec\tIF5VE60/A\r\n Elettrotec\tIF5VE60/AM10 P/N: 36300AM10\r\n Elettrotec\tIF5VE60/I CODE 36300I\r\n Elettrotec\tIFE4R 24, pn 37100\r\n Elettrotec\tIFE4R24 / 37100\r\n Elettrotec\tIFE4R24 CODE 37100\r\n Elettrotec\tIFE4R24 P/N: 37100\r\n Elettrotec\tIFE5R35\r\n Elettrotec\tL-150MM - LM2\r\n Elettrotec\tL500\r\n Elettrotec\tLEM5CN\r\n Elettrotec\tLEM5LN\r\n Elettrotec\tLEM5LNSC\r\n Elettrotec\tLEM5M\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1 FA430\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1FA250NC\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1/LM2/PIA-EP\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1CFA\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1CFPA150 P/N: 32125A\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1CFPA200 (32125B)\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1CFPA200 P/N: 32125B\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1CTA300 P/N: 32320D\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1CTA400 CODE 32320F\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1FA100NC\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1FA150\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1FA150NC\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1FA200\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1FA300\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1FA350\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1FA450 / 32026H\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1FA500\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1FA550NC\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1PA200\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1TA300T60\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1TIA1000NC P/N.: 32400014\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2 30W ,30VA,FLOAT\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2FA150\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2 TA300\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2A\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2CFA250\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2CTA200\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2CTA-250\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2FA150 / 32036B\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2-GSIA-68S\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2TA180\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2TA250 P/N: 32335D STANDARD VERSION\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2TA250XIA ATEX VERSION\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2TA300 P/N: 32335E\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2TB\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2TBP\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2TIA250EP\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2TIA300 P/N: 32410D\r\n Elettrotec\tLMA2FA350 P/N: 32071E\r\n Elettrotec\tLMD1\r\n Elettrotec\tLMFA600\r\n Elettrotec\tLMM1CTA\r\n Elettrotec\tLMM1CTA650NCB150NA\r\n Elettrotec\tLMM1FA150NC/60NC P/N: 32076125\r\n Elettrotec\tLMM1FA250NC/60NC P/N: 32076B\r\n Elettrotec\tLMM1FA450NC/70NC P/N: 32076F\r\n Elettrotec\tLMV1A300NC\r\n Elettrotec\tMODEL LM1 FA200 NC T70 NC\r\n Elettrotec\tMS 10 SC N T R14 AP\r\n Elettrotec\tMS10SCR18T3 P/N: 30523111T3\r\n Elettrotec\tMS2SCR14 P/N: 30513112\r\n Elettrotec\tMS50SCR14 P/N: 30533112\r\n Elettrotec\t-N° 1 SCHWIMMERSCHALTER CODE LM1LA250\r\n Elettrotec\tNR. 072900000 (NSSHOU 5X2,5/2,5 KON.)\r\n Elettrotec\tNTB47CA\r\n Elettrotec\tNTB 47 CA p/n: 3454721\r\n Elettrotec\tNTB 47 DA \r\n Elettrotec\tNTB 80 B C\r\n Elettrotec\tNTB38CA\r\n Elettrotec\tNTB38DC\r\n Elettrotec\tNTB47CA MOQ 10 pcs\r\n Elettrotec\tNTB47CA / 3454721\r\n Elettrotec\tNTB70CC\r\n Elettrotec\tNTB80CC\r\n Elettrotec\tNTB80CC P/N: 3458022\r\n Elettrotec\tNTB90BC P/N: 3459012\r\n Elettrotec\tNTBC40CA\r\n Elettrotec\tNTBC70CC\r\n Elettrotec\tNTBC80CC\r\n Elettrotec\tPMC 10 AP, CODE 31200T3DAP\r\n Elettrotec\tPMC10\r\n Elettrotec\tPMC 10SC\r\n Elettrotec\tPMC-10\r\n Elettrotec\tPMC10 P/N: 31200\r\n Elettrotec\tPMC10T1.3 P/N: 31200T1.3\r\n Elettrotec\tPMC10T1.7\r\n Elettrotec\tPMC10T1.7 P/N: 31200T1.7\r\n Elettrotec\tPMC2 CODE 31198\r\n Elettrotec\tPMC25\r\n Elettrotec\tPMC25 (CODE 31201)\r\n Elettrotec\tPMC5 31199\r\n Elettrotec\tPMC5 P/N: 31199\r\n Elettrotec\tPML 100\r\n Elettrotec\tPML10\r\n Elettrotec\tPML10 P/N: 31350\r\n Elettrotec\tPML100\r\n Elettrotec\tPMM 2A 14К\r\n Elettrotec\tPMM 2C\r\n Elettrotec\tPMM 80 A 14K\r\n Elettrotec\tPMM10A\r\n Elettrotec\tPMM10A / 31620\r\n Elettrotec\tPMM10A CODE 31620\r\n Elettrotec\tPMM10A14K\r\n Elettrotec\tPMM10A14K P/N: 31621\r\n Elettrotec\tPMM10A14KAP / 31621AP\r\n Elettrotec\tPMM1AWER14T0.15\r\n Elettrotec\tPMM1C (18K IS INCLUDED) P/N.: 31490\r\n Elettrotec\tPMM2AI\r\n Elettrotec\tPMM50AB10KT20 (B is for Brass)\r\n Elettrotec\tPMM50AT20D\r\n Elettrotec\tPMN20A\r\n Elettrotec\tPMN 50A """ "has_pricelist" => 1 "website" => null "website_username" => null "website_password" => null "task_creating_note" => """ !!!!!!! For ALL PMN pressure switches MOQ is 10 pcs \n \n Please have a photo of the product where the codes are engraved. (only if possible)// see task 769351\n // most codes are composed via datasheets.// """ "other_note" => """ !!!!!!! For ALL PMN pressure switches MOQ is 10 pcs \n \n \n PRESSURE SWITCHES / VACUUM SWITCHES / TRANSDUCERS - 90322000\n PRESSURE SWITCH ACCESSORIES - 90329000\n THERMOSTATS - 90321089\n FLOW SWITCHES / LEVEL SWITCHES - 90261081\n Need to request also by company Dauner Antriebstechnik GmbH and compare their prices with Elettrotec S.r.l.\n Dauner possibly could have good prices.\n --\n by dauner antriebstechnik all not dual use\n \n https://elettrotec.com/contatti/distributori-elettrotec/ """ "sales_order_note" => "!!!!!!! For ALL PMN pressure switches MOQ is 10 pcs" "pricelist_validity_date" => null "markup" => null "clean_name" => "elettrotec" "created_at" => null "updated_at" => "2024-07-22 09:13:44" "DavBrandId" => 5804 "URL" => "Elettrotec" "link_to_video" => "https://www.youtube.com/embed/9I8CeEfCOy4" "auto_offer" => 1 "show_price_web_site" => 1 "never_fix_companies" => 1 ] #original: array:29 [ "id" => 3717 "name" => "Elettrotec" "local_name" => null "language_id" => null "country_id" => null "main_brand_id" => null "sub_brand_web_visible" => 0 "category_id" => 65 "is_active" => 1 "description" => null "web_description" => """ Recording equipment provided by Elettrotec for performance , precision and reliability, meet the requirements in different industrial processes : Application areas industrial automation systems and turbines for wind power automation and instrumentation equipment construction and assembly machines hydraulic and pneumatic pharmaceutical industry chemical industry systems and lubrication systems power plants for hydraulic systems and lifting systems agricultural machinery and earth moving braking systems ( hydraulic and electrical ) machines for food processing Control systems for medical equipment and hospital and systems for packaging machines filtration\r\n \r\n \t00252/92-005/535\r\n Elettrotec\t00252/92-021/523\r\n Elettrotec\t00252/94-010/507A\r\n Elettrotec\t00252/94-050/509\r\n Elettrotec\t00252/94-051/504A\r\n Elettrotec\t31540\r\n Elettrotec\t100M X 33050G72037M68\r\n Elettrotec\t1F2V2E3/A\r\n Elettrotec\t2EL 2F03\r\n Elettrotec\t300M X 33050G72037M66\r\n Elettrotec\t31200T1.7\r\n Elettrotec\t31541 PMN20A14K\r\n Elettrotec\t31960\r\n Elettrotec\t3453821\r\n Elettrotec\t3454721\r\n Elettrotec\t36275AM10\r\n Elettrotec\t36300OM6SC\r\n Elettrotec\t36775A\r\n Elettrotec\tIFE3R18 p/n: 37075\r\n Elettrotec\tIFE4R24\r\n Elettrotec\t400M X 33050G72037M61\r\n Elettrotec\t\r\n Elettrotec\t43650 - PG09 PLUG\r\n Elettrotec\t500M X 33050G72037M25\r\n Elettrotec\t500M X 33050G72037M70\r\n Elettrotec\t800M X 33050G72037M69\r\n Elettrotec\t881078270\r\n Elettrotec\tCAP2\r\n Elettrotec\tCAP 1\r\n Elettrotec\tCAP1\r\n Elettrotec\tCAP16\r\n Elettrotec\tCAP3 CODE 31015\r\n Elettrotec\tCLS-K-11\r\n Elettrotec\tCO166407T04\r\n Elettrotec\tCO31560T025 Obsolete, replaced by PMN50ABT25\r\n Elettrotec\tCO32125A\r\n Elettrotec\tDBDS6K18/190E\r\n Elettrotec\tDRUCKSCHALTER PMC5 0,5-5BAR\r\n Elettrotec\tEBT30DC.\r\n Elettrotec\tEBT40DC.\r\n Elettrotec\tEBT70CC (341007022)\r\n Elettrotec\tEBT70CC P/N: 341007022\r\n Elettrotec\tEBT80CC (341008022)\r\n Elettrotec\tEBT80CC P/N: 341008022\r\n Elettrotec\tEEX CE 0575 II 2 GD\r\n Elettrotec\tES521AM2V\r\n Elettrotec\tFMC 41-NE21PBJ11M1\r\n Elettrotec\tGLASS (FOR IF4VE16/0 PART NO: 362750 FLOWMETER)\r\n Elettrotec\tIF.. 60W 60VA 0.8 A 220V 300V\r\n Elettrotec\tIF2E3/AM 24 V DC\r\n Elettrotec\tIF2VE3/A\r\n Elettrotec\tIF2VE3/O 36225O\r\n Elettrotec\tIF2VE3/O P/N: 36225O\r\n Elettrotec\tIF3E6/A\r\n Elettrotec\tIF3VE6/ AM7\r\n Elettrotec\tIF3VE6/AM7SC\r\n Elettrotec\tIF3VE6/AM8\r\n Elettrotec\tIF3VE6/AM9\r\n Elettrotec\tIF3VE6/AM9SC\r\n Elettrotec\tIF3VE6/AM9SC P/N: 36250AM9SC\r\n Elettrotec\tIF3VE6/O 36250O\r\n Elettrotec\tIF3VE6/OM7\r\n Elettrotec\tIF3VE6/OM7O MAX. LT/1” : 6 P MAX. BAR : 15 M: E0737D 24 WOLT\r\n Elettrotec\tIF4E16/AM10\r\n Elettrotec\tIF4E16/O\r\n Elettrotec\tIF4VE16/O\r\n Elettrotec\tIF4VE16/A\r\n Elettrotec\tIF4VE16/AM10 / 36275AM10\r\n Elettrotec\tIF4VE16A\r\n Elettrotec\tIF5E60/AM7 P/N: 36800AM7\r\n Elettrotec\tIF5VE60/A\r\n Elettrotec\tIF5VE60/AM10 P/N: 36300AM10\r\n Elettrotec\tIF5VE60/I CODE 36300I\r\n Elettrotec\tIFE4R 24, pn 37100\r\n Elettrotec\tIFE4R24 / 37100\r\n Elettrotec\tIFE4R24 CODE 37100\r\n Elettrotec\tIFE4R24 P/N: 37100\r\n Elettrotec\tIFE5R35\r\n Elettrotec\tL-150MM - LM2\r\n Elettrotec\tL500\r\n Elettrotec\tLEM5CN\r\n Elettrotec\tLEM5LN\r\n Elettrotec\tLEM5LNSC\r\n Elettrotec\tLEM5M\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1 FA430\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1FA250NC\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1/LM2/PIA-EP\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1CFA\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1CFPA150 P/N: 32125A\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1CFPA200 (32125B)\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1CFPA200 P/N: 32125B\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1CTA300 P/N: 32320D\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1CTA400 CODE 32320F\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1FA100NC\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1FA150\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1FA150NC\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1FA200\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1FA300\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1FA350\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1FA450 / 32026H\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1FA500\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1FA550NC\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1PA200\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1TA300T60\r\n Elettrotec\tLM1TIA1000NC P/N.: 32400014\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2 30W ,30VA,FLOAT\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2FA150\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2 TA300\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2A\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2CFA250\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2CTA200\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2CTA-250\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2FA150 / 32036B\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2-GSIA-68S\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2TA180\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2TA250 P/N: 32335D STANDARD VERSION\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2TA250XIA ATEX VERSION\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2TA300 P/N: 32335E\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2TB\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2TBP\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2TIA250EP\r\n Elettrotec\tLM2TIA300 P/N: 32410D\r\n Elettrotec\tLMA2FA350 P/N: 32071E\r\n Elettrotec\tLMD1\r\n Elettrotec\tLMFA600\r\n Elettrotec\tLMM1CTA\r\n Elettrotec\tLMM1CTA650NCB150NA\r\n Elettrotec\tLMM1FA150NC/60NC P/N: 32076125\r\n Elettrotec\tLMM1FA250NC/60NC P/N: 32076B\r\n Elettrotec\tLMM1FA450NC/70NC P/N: 32076F\r\n Elettrotec\tLMV1A300NC\r\n Elettrotec\tMODEL LM1 FA200 NC T70 NC\r\n Elettrotec\tMS 10 SC N T R14 AP\r\n Elettrotec\tMS10SCR18T3 P/N: 30523111T3\r\n Elettrotec\tMS2SCR14 P/N: 30513112\r\n Elettrotec\tMS50SCR14 P/N: 30533112\r\n Elettrotec\t-N° 1 SCHWIMMERSCHALTER CODE LM1LA250\r\n Elettrotec\tNR. 072900000 (NSSHOU 5X2,5/2,5 KON.)\r\n Elettrotec\tNTB47CA\r\n Elettrotec\tNTB 47 CA p/n: 3454721\r\n Elettrotec\tNTB 47 DA \r\n Elettrotec\tNTB 80 B C\r\n Elettrotec\tNTB38CA\r\n Elettrotec\tNTB38DC\r\n Elettrotec\tNTB47CA MOQ 10 pcs\r\n Elettrotec\tNTB47CA / 3454721\r\n Elettrotec\tNTB70CC\r\n Elettrotec\tNTB80CC\r\n Elettrotec\tNTB80CC P/N: 3458022\r\n Elettrotec\tNTB90BC P/N: 3459012\r\n Elettrotec\tNTBC40CA\r\n Elettrotec\tNTBC70CC\r\n Elettrotec\tNTBC80CC\r\n Elettrotec\tPMC 10 AP, CODE 31200T3DAP\r\n Elettrotec\tPMC10\r\n Elettrotec\tPMC 10SC\r\n Elettrotec\tPMC-10\r\n Elettrotec\tPMC10 P/N: 31200\r\n Elettrotec\tPMC10T1.3 P/N: 31200T1.3\r\n Elettrotec\tPMC10T1.7\r\n Elettrotec\tPMC10T1.7 P/N: 31200T1.7\r\n Elettrotec\tPMC2 CODE 31198\r\n Elettrotec\tPMC25\r\n Elettrotec\tPMC25 (CODE 31201)\r\n Elettrotec\tPMC5 31199\r\n Elettrotec\tPMC5 P/N: 31199\r\n Elettrotec\tPML 100\r\n Elettrotec\tPML10\r\n Elettrotec\tPML10 P/N: 31350\r\n Elettrotec\tPML100\r\n Elettrotec\tPMM 2A 14К\r\n Elettrotec\tPMM 2C\r\n Elettrotec\tPMM 80 A 14K\r\n Elettrotec\tPMM10A\r\n Elettrotec\tPMM10A / 31620\r\n Elettrotec\tPMM10A CODE 31620\r\n Elettrotec\tPMM10A14K\r\n Elettrotec\tPMM10A14K P/N: 31621\r\n Elettrotec\tPMM10A14KAP / 31621AP\r\n Elettrotec\tPMM1AWER14T0.15\r\n Elettrotec\tPMM1C (18K IS INCLUDED) P/N.: 31490\r\n Elettrotec\tPMM2AI\r\n Elettrotec\tPMM50AB10KT20 (B is for Brass)\r\n Elettrotec\tPMM50AT20D\r\n Elettrotec\tPMN20A\r\n Elettrotec\tPMN 50A """ "has_pricelist" => 1 "website" => null "website_username" => null "website_password" => null "task_creating_note" => """ !!!!!!! For ALL PMN pressure switches MOQ is 10 pcs \n \n Please have a photo of the product where the codes are engraved. (only if possible)// see task 769351\n // most codes are composed via datasheets.// """ "other_note" => """ !!!!!!! For ALL PMN pressure switches MOQ is 10 pcs \n \n \n PRESSURE SWITCHES / VACUUM SWITCHES / TRANSDUCERS - 90322000\n PRESSURE SWITCH ACCESSORIES - 90329000\n THERMOSTATS - 90321089\n FLOW SWITCHES / LEVEL SWITCHES - 90261081\n Need to request also by company Dauner Antriebstechnik GmbH and compare their prices with Elettrotec S.r.l.\n Dauner possibly could have good prices.\n --\n by dauner antriebstechnik all not dual use\n \n https://elettrotec.com/contatti/distributori-elettrotec/ """ "sales_order_note" => "!!!!!!! For ALL PMN pressure switches MOQ is 10 pcs" "pricelist_validity_date" => null "markup" => null "clean_name" => "elettrotec" "created_at" => null "updated_at" => "2024-07-22 09:13:44" "DavBrandId" => 5804 "URL" => "Elettrotec" "link_to_video" => "https://www.youtube.com/embed/9I8CeEfCOy4" "auto_offer" => 1 "show_price_web_site" => 1 "never_fix_companies" => 1 ] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] #guarded: array:1 [ 0 => "*" ] } "descriptions" => Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection {#34116 #items: [] } ] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] #guarded: array:1 [ 0 => "*" ] }