For years, Onrion LLC has been your trusted supplier of RK Rose+Krieger products in the United States . We offer a vast selection of RK Rose+Krieger tools and accessories at competitive prices, ensuring timely delivery across the UK.
Visit our website to explore our extensive catalog of RK Rose+Krieger products. If you do not find the specific product you are looking for, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our knowledgeable team is dedicated to helping you find the perfect solution to meet your industrial needs.
Thanks to our comprehensive distribution network, we guarantee that your orders will be delivered promptly, no matter where you are located in the United States . Our commitment to exceptional customer service means we are here to support you every step of the way.
Important Notice: While we supply RK Rose+Krieger products, Onrion LLC is not an authorized distributor. All rights are reserved by the manufacturers and their official partners.
Lifting Column
electric cylinder
RK Powerlift 490/28, Technic design external control, F = 1000N, stroke = 490 mm, v = 28 mm / s, 8-pole
MultiControl duo
MultiControl mono, 230V AC, ACCU 7AH for male terminal C (8 poles - DIN 41 524) - LZ 60 elec. connection c - Drive unit LZ elec. connection c - Alpha Colonne synchronous - RKPowerlift S / Z / T / M (external control) - RKSlimlift / RKSlimlift EM Max. 10 A current output 36V DC output voltage New Model: replaced QST40C01AF100
FS50 (RBC Base Clamp) 135 000 000
FKR30 (RFG Flange Clamp)223 000 030
RH50 (RFK Washer Clamp) 225 000 020
Profile F-30x30/650 n.Kd.Zg. A RK_4575000_F30x30_650_MOD Length: 650mm + / -0.1 mm 2x bore holes D = 5H6 1x blind holes D = 6x9 completely manufactured.
Profile FG-30x30/545 n.Kd.Zg. RK_4535000_FG30x30_545_MOD Length: 545mm 8x holes D = 8.0 0 / +0.3 (mm) completely manufactured.
Cover for terminal strip housing SG300
locking piece
cross clamp
Winkelklemmstück WV 30 "RK Industrie-Design" gleitgeschliffen, Schrauben gal. verz.
Stahlrohr 60x5DIN
RK Powerlift 200